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Oh hi! How can I help? My mad idea for connecting and helping others during you-know-what

Updated: Oct 5, 2020

Inspired by the amount of all things virtual being created to connect us as we get through this period of self-isolation for however long, I’ve decided that it is best for my mental health to continue pursuing whatever work I can help with and to continue developing my career and networking whilst offering an additional pair of hands to others. I’ll still be blogging on my portfolio, but I’ve come up with another way that I can network, give help or just have a chat with others during these mad times - a virtual coffee club.

So what is this?

I’m offering two to three half-an-hour weekly slots with up to two people via Zoom or Skype for a friendly chat and to discuss how I could help you or your company. If you did want some help, I would act as an additional pair of hands during what is a very difficult time for businesses. Also, if any of my connections know any of their contacts who might want assistance or who feel like they just want to talk face to face with someone to lift their spirits let me know by tagging them or me to let them know about this new venture.

How's it different?

To make it feel like we’re in a coffee shop, please bring a hot or cold non-alcoholic drink of your choice (pets are optional but also welcome) and suggestions for music that we can have as ‘coffee shop background noise’ which I will save and offer as a playlist to those who take part. Although where we sit in our calls may not look coffee shop-esque, I’m hoping that the drinks and music will suffice! I will also be offering a loyalty card scheme where once we’ve had five virtual meetings, we’ll have one in real life once this has all blown over (on me obvs).

What are you offering?

The things that I want to get out of this are more connections, more experience and more great conversation. What I’d give you, if you wanted to be involved or to make this more official sounding you ‘join the club’, is a good old’ natter and, if you wanted it, help with either content research, social media content creation and/or management, blog post writing, any administration or business development tasks. I’m also starting to look into strategy/planning so any tasks related to that I’d be happy to help with as well!

How do I get involved?

If you’re interested, want to find out more or want to set up a call, please DM me here, my social media accounts or send me an email at (and if you don’t want to call but still want to talk, I’m more than happy for you to still get in touch!).

Let’s keep on keeping on.

Beth x

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